Monday, July 19, 2010

Zoologist nerding out again ...

One of the Zoology building on campus houses the preserved body of a giant spider crab (beware this link - the picture is creepy!). I marvel at it every time I'm there, which is often.

It is HUGE.

It's found in Japan and it's the largest of all known arthropods. The one we have on campus is 4'8" from the center of its body to the tip of its longest appendage, but this distance can be up to 6 feet in other individuals. Oh. My. Goodness. Want to run into one of those on the beach? Me neither. They feed on coral, but noooo way am I wanting to encounter that beast!!


Jamie Arpin-Ricci said...

Gorgeous creatures!

Kandi said...

Oh no. Just...NO. That settles it. I'm NEVER going to Japan. Thank you for the nightmares. :)