Saturday, November 20, 2010

Oh hey there, Elephant ...


Day 3 in the Field (snippets)

Elephants. Hundred meters from us. They were stunning.


[To our KWS guard]

Me: “Raymond, what’s your favorite animal?”

Raymond: “For seeing or for eating?”

We found a manyatta (traditional Maasai home) and the kids started running to me because I was jumping and playing with them from a distance. But when Raymond (benevolent, but wearing full camouflage and carrying a rifle) happened to come out from behind a tree, they turned and ran in terror. Baha.

Many crazy stories from Raymond - including being chased by elephants and buffalos and shoot outs with poachers.

Raymond and our local guide, Joel, helped us make a flag representing our power ranger colors - yellow and pink.

Me = sunburnt

Many dung beetles rolling, well, dung. One of the coolest thing I’ve ever seen.

Day off tomorrow! Sleeeeeep.

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