Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I was inspired a couple weeks ago by a post one of the speakers on my DTS, Phil, put up. The jist of his post is that sacrifice is hard, but we should try it.

I'm so driven by things in this world. Dorm food can be SO good (I know - weird that I think that) and my flesh can't resist it. I realized this about myself and decided to take Phil up on his challenge to sacrifice one thing every Thursday and see how that changes (or doesn't change, heaven forbid) my mindset.

I wrote material about fasting during my first year on summer camp staff with Redeemer Lutheran Church. When sifting through what people had to say about fasting, I learned so much. Fasting helps us see the raw version of ourselves. Who are we when we don't have food, money, status, the novelties in life to cover us up? What is the rawness of myself, just me? It kind of blows me away.

I think it also helps you realize what you actually need. When we live privileged lives, our gauge on what is necessary and what isn't becomes skewed. I volunteered at Kid's Night Out on Friday. I experienced a BIG temper tantrum by any and every kid who didn't get, or had to share, a balloon. Oh. My. Goodness. It was a hard thing to stomach in light of seeing disciplined, easy-to-please kids in Uganda. But the Friday tantrums made me realize that we do the same thing everyday. Maybe I don't wail on the floor, kicking and screaming, when I don't get something I want. But I do get grumpy when I don't get something I feel I'm entitled to, something I think I need when I actually don't. Poor American ...

I want to learn the nature of sacrifice, to be refined by it. I want realness and authenticity in relationships unhindered by novel and material things. I want sacrifice to become a daily thing that helps me go back to the heart of what kind of person I am. I think here is where God will refine my character the most.

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